Friday, March 12, 2010

What (if any) is the term for wearing and returning clothes?

Aside from "theft" :) What's is it (or the people who engage in it) called when clothes, shoes, accessories etc... are purchased with the sole intent of wearing once and returning. You know, like when people can't afford something, say, a little black dress but purchase it anyway only to return it after one use?

I'm trying to think of it but can't.

What (if any) is the term for wearing and returning clothes?

Its theft plain and simple but its dirty skanky and just plain cheap.
Reply:Around 8 years ago there was a song released by a group, it was a knock off of "I don't want no scrub" but it was called "I don't want no pidgeon" and they referred to wearing and taking clothes back.. thats my guess =D
Reply:I think it is called "wardrobing." Here's an article about it:
Reply:I'd love to know too!

...funny story...i was adding an entry to urban dictionary about tag-hags...that's why I asked this! :)

Reply:Borrowing? idk
Reply:I am not sure there is an official or fancy word for it. I think it's just called CHEAP. ;)
Reply:i dont think there is

maybe try urban dictionary?


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